I’d like to begin by briefly addressing the following: everything is energy. Be it our physical bodies, thoughts, emotions, surroundings, etc. Everything has an energetic vibration attached to it. If our life force energy is heavy or dense (due to trauma or chronic stress or poor life choices), the rest of our body can suffer. In Shamanism, we believe that these heavier energies have the ability to impact and alter all aspects of our life. It is, in essence, the root cause of every ailment.
That being said, we don’t want to hold onto these dense energies! We need to release what doesn’t serve us. If we don’t, we can experience any number of ailments from cancer and heart disease to anxiety and depression as well as addiction and abuse. There are a number of ways to do this: For those of you who are more athletically inclined, move your body. Run, bike, swim, hike, cycle, participate in organized sports, workout at the gym, etc. As you do so, visualize the anxiety moving out of your feet as you pound the pavement or out of your hands as you hit the punching bag. Your intention of removing it will make it so. You must believe this. For the rest of you, you’re still going to move that energy out in a physical manner. Drum, rattle, do yoga, pop in an exercise video, go for a nature walk, dance, sing loudly, simply sway from side to side, etc. As you do so, visualize the anxiety slipping from your body and entering the atmosphere. Your intention of removing it will make it so. You must believe this. If you’re concerned that these dense energies will leave your body only to be displaced for someone else to pick up, don’t worry. Set the intention for these energies to be transmuted back into the Light. What does that mean? Here is just one example/visualization (find a process that works for you): if you’re running or dancing, imagine the energy exiting your feet and going into the core of the Earth. It might look muddy or slimy to you. Once it hits the soil, however, it undergoes a metamorphosis. It turns into Divine Light and sparkles and shines. The EARTH has the power to do this. Now, not only has the dense energy transformed into perfect love, it’s become a source of fuel to nourish our planet in a positive way! We’ve simply shifted its’ vibration. Another way to release energy that does not belong in your energetic body is through Ceremony. Ceremonies can be utterly simple or beautifully detailed. There is no right or wrong way of doing a ceremony; what matters most is your INTENTION to release what no longer serves your highest good. Ceremonies usually involve one or more of the elements (eg. fire or water) and I’d highly suggest that you perform them outside (where you can be supported by the energy of this planet). If you want help creating a ceremony for yourself, please reach out and ask me. On a final note, I’d like to touch on “spiritual bypassing”. This term has come to the foreground in recent years and it essentially means this: pretending that everything in your life is perfect and shutting down any “negative” emotions before they come to the surface. Here’s the thing though: if you stifle emotions like anger, sadness, grief, frustration, bitterness, etc…it’s only going to eat you from the inside out. So, what do you do? You FEEL the feeling! Get angry, be sad, express those emotions in an environment where you feel safe and supported. And then, once you’ve moved it out your body completely, LET IT GO! It does not serve you to remain in this emotional state; it will only exhaust you and make you ill (in all of the ways we’ve previously discussed). This might sound like basic information but it’s vitally important. Move the energy out. You are worth it.