Whenever I do a Spirit Animal Retrieval for clients, I give them the following information. I've decided to share it here for all of you to see as well:
Spirit Animals can be with us for a REASON, a SEASON, or a LIFETIME. It is possible to have more than one Spirit Animal at any given time. When they’re with us for a REASON: An animal can show itself to you (in real life or in your mind’s eye) to share a lesson with you or to support you. They show up and then leave, never to appear again. If you come across such an animal, a quick search on the internet will reveal its’ meaning to you. If you read something that resonates with you (online or in a book) OR you “feel” a message from that particular animal, THAT is your takeaway. When they’re with us for a SEASON: An animal can show itself to you (in real life or in your mind’s eye) to support you during the next stage of your journey. For example, they might want to support you during the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, the loss of a job, a time of great struggle in your life or a time of great joy. They appear for a period of several months to several years and then fall away when they are no longer needed. When they’re with us for a LIFETIME: An animal can show itself to you (in real life or in your mind’s eye) to support you during your lifetime. These are devoted, loving creatures who dedicate themselves to you, through thick and thin, to support you and to love you. They will never leave your side. The Spirit Animal you are united with during a session with me, could be any one of these animals. With time, you will learn what their role is. To CONNECT with your Spirit Animal: Sit in quiet meditation. Close your eyes and take three, slow, deep breaths. Then breathe at a pace that is comfortable for you. Envision your animal in your mind’s eye. You can ask your animal if they have a name. You can give them a name. Or you can simply call them by their species (eg. BEAR). Once you are sitting quietly with them, ask them any questions you might have. Listen for the answer. Trust the process. If you don’t have a question for them, if you’re just looking to be with a supportive companion, simply sit in meditation with them and know that you are deeply loved. You are not alone. SIDE NOTE: In recent years, various Guides have been showing up for my clients. Oftentimes, the Guide is a Spirit Animal. But other times it is a Nature Being (eg a tree, flower, the wind, etc) or a Supernatural (eg. a dragon, faerie, gnome, phoenix, etc). Regardless of who shows up, the above information still applies.